Fish Tacos Make the Cut …

Fish tacos have made it into our meal rotation! We recently decided that we need to eat a little healthier before the Christmas holidays roll around … too much Belgian chocolate recently and

Lord knows my family makes a lot of Christmas eats …

So, as a lighter option, I’d been wanting to make fish tacos for a while and finally tried them last night. I had been contemplating the best fish to use for the tacos, and unfortunately, since I don’t know the French names of a lot of fish, I was slightly limited at the grocery store. We ended up being economical and just choosing a bag of frozen cod fillets.

I didn’t have high hopes for the frozen fillets, which I was seasoning with a pre-made package of “fish taco” spices.  But I added some fresh lime juice to the marinade and also ended up saving a bit of the seasoning package to mix in with the flour for the light coating. I have no idea if authentic fish tacos are supposed to be lightly floured, but I’ve only ever had them that way, so that’s what I did …

I garnished the tacos (in pitas) with diced cucumbers, tomatoes, scallions, fresh coriander, corn and avocado.

They turned out pretty well (if I do say so myself) and I can only imagine how good the fresh ones, which my sister was raving about after a recent trip to Mexico, are.

In lieu of the real Mexican kind … I’ll have to be content with what I cooked up last night … and since I got a two thumbs up rating and a request to put it into the menu de la semaine, I’m happy enough.

My fish taco creation